Saturday, April 30, 2011


(Stowell) When was the last time you prayed for the eternity of the doctor who runs the local abortion clinic or the marchers in the annual gay-rights parade?

(Stowell) Did it ever occur to you that His plan just might be better than your's?

(Stowell) Many are concerned that if they commit themselves as fully devoted followers, Christ will threaten the treasury. He probably will. We either let Him be the Master of our money, or our money will master us

(Stowell) The nets God calls us from are not always sinful or degrading. He calls us away from everything that stands between us and Him. He is looking for netless hands in a fully devoted follower. It is to a Person- the the God of the Universe- that I surrender all that I presently am, all that I will be, and all that I now or ever will possess. This is the essence of following. It is not a project. It is a Person. It is not a task. It is a tribute to the worthiness and trustworthiness of Christ and His cause. It is that and that alone

(A Rogers)   There are three kinds of people in the world: those who are afraid, those who don't know enough to be afraid, and those who know their Bibles

(C. Stanley) You can never outgive God

(Rogers) Have you ever thought about the fact that God loves us one by one. He sees me;He knows me; He wants me. Even though we are really just specks on a globe that is no more than a grain of sand compared to the size of the universe, the great God who runs the universe is concerned about you as though that was His only thought

It has often been said that sharing your faith is simply one beggar telling another beggar where to find bread

(Rogers) God does business with those who mean business

(Wiersbe) The most expensive gift in the world: God's gift of eternal life

(Wiersbe) We have God's " unsearchable riches" that can never be fully understood or completely exhausted

(Wiersbe) When a day begins, you never really know for sure how it will end

(Wiersbe) Commenting on Luke 19:10 (a) a man becomes a child (b) a seeking man becomes  found(c) a small man becomes big (d) a poor man becomes rich (e) the host becomes the guest

(Wiersbe) The  important thing is not how much ability you have but how faithful you are to use what you have for the Lord. Faithfulness now is preparation for blessed servicer then

(A W Tozer)  Nothing twist and deforms the soul more than a low or unworthy conception of God

(Wiersbe) Jonah looked on Nivevah and hoped it would be destroyed, while Jesus looked at Jersusalem and wept because it had destroyed itself

(Wiersbe) Instead of praying for the people, the priest were preying on the people

(Wiersbe) His outline of  Luke 19:28-48: preparation(28-36) ,celebration(37-40),lamentation(41-44), denunciation(45-48)

(Stowell ) Many of our choices involve a choice between what is better and what is best

(Stowell) Fully devoted  followers  leave the path of their followership littered with the nets they have shed for the supreme worth of the One they follow

(Stowell) None of us is exempt from the potential to fall

(Stowell) Let's face it. It is rarely the large, instinctive moves that put our lives, relationships, and sense of well-being in jeopardy. It is more often the small moments of self-management that slowly but surely detour our lives from what they might have been, Only eternity will reveal the tremendous loss as we realize that instead of accumulating treasures in heaven, we chose to follow the impulses of the flesh and pile up treasures here that are meaningless there

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