Wednesday, April 6, 2011


(James Dobson) I have heard many sermons based on the life of Job, but the source of Job's most intense frustration-his inability to find God- has been often overlooked

((James Dobson) When going through the "why?" experiences of life, be careful that frustration does not deterioriate into anger and a sense of abandonment and finally, the spirit begins to wither. Satan then drops by for a little visit and whispers, " He is not there. You are alone!"

(James Dobson) Some of the most bitter,unhappy people on earth are those who have become estranged from the God they no longer understand or trust. The great danger for people who have experienced heartbreaking tragedy is that Satan will use their pain to make them feel victimized by God. What a deadly trap that is!

(James Dobson) The Lord can be trusted  even when He can't be tracked.Of this you can be certain

(Dobson) In my forty-three years of professional counseling, I have seen few other circumstances that equal the agony of a shattered faith. It is a crisis brewed in hell

( Rogers)  An unsaved person leaps into sin and loves it; a saved person lapses into sin and loathes it

(James Dobson) Satan can be expected to show up at the moment of greatest discouragement, whispering his wicked thoughts and taunting the wounded  believer

(Sam Venable)  Spring is so close you can smell the lilac on her breath

(Sam Venable) Quoting a friend: " I was  born with a black thumb. I inherited it from my mother. She was a serial killer of plants"

(James Dobson) We must learn not to depend too heavily on our own ability to comprehend the inexplicable circumstances in our lives                                

(Dobson) I find it irritating when certain theologians throw around simplistic platitudes. It is better to acknowledge that we have been given too few facts to explain all the heartache in an imperfect, fallen world and that undestanding will have to await the coming of the sovereign Lord who promises to set straight all accounts and end all injustice

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