Saturday, April 30, 2011


(Stowell) When the God of the universe became a man, He chose to come in the form of a servant.It is a staggering thought that out of all the attributes He could have chosen, He chose humility

(Stowell) If we could only learn to see tragedy as a platform to demonstrate the power of God's glory through us, we could have a far greater impact on our world than we do

(Stowell) When our anger, rhetoric, and political practices contradict the spirit and standards of Christ and overwhelm our sense of compassion for the lostness of the perpetrators of social deprivation, we no longer display the uniqueness that a follower of Christ is intended to express

(Stowell) When we are committed to following,  Christ will take us to places we have never been before and will teach us to see people as we have never seen them before. The harvest is composed of people who are not like us, not from where we are from, and not going where we are going

(Billy Sunday)  You can't take it with you;even if you could it would melt where some of you are going

(A. Rogers) You'll never have spiritual life until you first admit you are spiritually dead

(A Rogers) There will be no peacocks in heaven

(Lowell Davey)  The crowd said, " He is finished". Christ said, " It is finished"

(Ray Stedman) True worship is simply the honest expression of your heart to God

( Charles Stanley) Brokenness is God's requirement for maximum usefulness

(A. Rogers) Four ways to know the will of God for your life: (1) The Will Principle((Rom 12:2);(2) The Word Principle(Ps 119:105;(3) the Wisdom Principle( James 1:5); the Walk Principle(Prove 3:6). The will of God is not a blueprint that He lays out before you to study from beginning to end. It's more like a scroll that you unroll, and God shows you a step at a time. God doesn't direct you as you stand still. He leads you as you move out. Its hard to steer a ship that's not moving. You must be seeking the face of God in order for Him to guide you by His eye

(Charles Spurgeon) God does not permit His children to sin successfully

(Wiersbe) Christianity isn't a judge punishing a criminal; it is a loving Father dealing with His disobedient children to bring them willingly to the place of surrender

(Wiersbe) Guilt is to the conscience what pain is to the body; it tells us that something is wrong and must be made right, or things will get worse, the waters of chastening will only get deeper, and the storm will increase

(Alexander Maclaren) God's kiss of forgiveness sucks the poison from the wound of sin

(Wiersbe) God in His grace forgives us, but God in His government says, " you shall reap what you have sown"

(Wiersbe outline of Ps 32)
     The blessing of acceptance(1-2)
     The folly of impentitence (3-4)
      The way of deliverance(5-7)
     The joy of obedience(8-11)    

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