Saturday, April 2, 2011


(Robison) The home , for good or bad, is a child's first classroom

(Robison) If we move away from the foundation of the nuclear family as it has been preserved since the beginning of humanity, we are building our houses on sand, and they will not stand

(Robison) Any attempt to legislate equality of outcomes or to impose a one-size-fits-all standard on society is misguided and simply will not work. As a nation, we should be doing everything we can to remove barriers that hold people back, but it will always be the responsibility of the individual to make the most of his or her opportunities

(Robison) his definition of true justice: the principle of right action in conformity to truth

(The Message paraphrase of Ps 19:4) Unspoken truth is spoken everywhere

(A. Rogers) It always amazes me how quickly people change when they leave church

(The Daily Bread) Creation is the canvas on which God has painted His character

(M R DeHaan II ) Until we rest entirely on what Christ has done for us, we will never find assurance of our salvation

( M R DeHaan II) Without the love of God for those who disagree with us, all the theology and logic in the world is the kind of noise that will push ourselves and others away from Christ rather than toward Him. Since truth divides what is real from what is merely imagined, it is sometimes not possible to pursue truth without division

(Prayer of M R DeHaan II) Father in heaven, please give us a heart to accept as much understanding as you want us to have, enough humility to acknowledge what You alone understand, and enough love to respect the brothers and sisters who have come to a different  conclusions than we have.

( Abraham Lincoln) You cannot help people permanently by doing for them what they would and should do for themselves

( Robison ) Rather than seeking to solve the dire problems we find in the world today, far too many Christians are busy defining their theological positions or living their lives as if they are oblivious to what's going on all around them

(Robison) Too many Christians have fallen for the notion that Christianity and politics do not mix. This perspective may be based partly on a misinterpretation of " be separate from the world". Whatever its source, I believe this  "withdrawal syndrome" that prevails among Christians and other decent citizens is mistaken and dangerous. If we don't stand up for absolute principles, who will? Some people refuse to participate because they believe that politics is a " dirty business" that is beneath their dignity. But in a free country, politics is nothing more or less than the process of deciding who is going to run the government and how. If its a " dirty business", its because the " clean " people have abandoned the process and let the " dirty" people take over.

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