Tuesday, April 12, 2011


(Joe Stowell) For most of us, Christianity has become  has been formed in paradigms of a system in which earthly leadership is paramount. We are led to believe that if we relate successfully to the structure, we are doing well in our Christianity-especially if we serve well enough to become leaders. If we have heard about following at all, it is usually in terms of earthly persons, codes, and institutions.. Christianity has become  more of a ritual and less of a relationship, more of a system and less of a Savior who like a shepherd leads us

(Hebrews 12:16/ The Message paraphrase) Watch out for the Esau syndrome

(Heb 12:10/ The Living Bible paraphrase) God's correction is always right and for our best good

(C S Lewis) He who lusteth after ham and eggs  hath already committed  breakfast in his heart

(Ray Stedman) I believe we are in those times when everything that can be shaken is being shaken. Every human institution can be shaken and will be shaken.Even now, we are facing the times when God is going to allow everything to be shaken that can be shaken. In this entire , vast universe of ours, only one thing exist that cannot be shaken.The  Kingdom of God, His rulership over our hearts,  and the Lordship of Jesus Christ in our hearts, can never be shaken . What is being shaken and tested today is phoniness and deception. What cannot be shaken is truth and fauith. The things that cannot be shaken will remain, even when all else crumbles and falls.

( Charles Stanley) Grace enables us to serve, not to sin

(Wiersbe) One of the best ways to develop endurance and encouragement is to get to know the godly men and women of the Bible who ran the race and won

( Wiersbe) The mystery of the divine and human natures of Christ is too profound for us to understand fully

(Wiersbe) On the cross Christ suffered for all the sins of the world

(Wiersbe) Chastening is the evidence of the Father's love. Satan wants us to believe that the difficulties of life are proof that God does not love us, but just the opposite is true. We can be sure His chastening hand is controlled by His loving heart

(Wiersbe) A child who does not subjection to authority will never become a useful,mature adult

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