Sunday, May 1, 2011


(Stowell) As endless as Gods blessings are, so should our praise be

(J Allen Blair)  God has planted the Cross of Christ at the crossroads of of history. There is no way that anyone can detour around it. This is a fact from which there is no escape. It is the reaction to that encounter which determines the disposition and destiny of each person

(Blair) When Jesus was born, the darkness of midnight was turned into the full blaze of midday. But when He died, the brilliance of midday was plunged into the blackness of midnight. How could it be otherwise when sinful men sought to extinguish the Light of the world. Light rejected brings darkness

(Blair) Calvary- the place where the most solemn transaction in time nd eternity took place. Calvary is God's infinite heartache manifest in time

(Blair) When Christ died on the Cross, it was not human nature offering its very best to God;it was God offering His very heart to men

(Blair) It is Christ's resurrection that proves the value of the Cross

(Blair) tells the story of a clergyman saying to a Christian woman, " Do you think that a death-bed repentance does away with a whole life of sin?" "No, she said, but Calvary does"

(Blair) John 12:32 does not mean that everyone will be saved, but it does mean that He provided a way so that everyone can be saved. The Cross provides universal salvation for all who believe on Christ

(Blair) With the gift of life, you gain the right to heaven. If you reject it, you have only the right to hell

(Mart De Haan) Christ shows us that any power we have is not an entitlement to be served but rather a responsibility to serve. In His kingdom, the elder must be the younger, the greater as the least, and those who rule as those who serve

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