Wednesday, May 11, 2011


(Wiersbe)  The fruit tree does not make a great deal of noise when it produces it  a crop; it merely allows the life within to work in a natural way, and fruit is the result. The difference between spiritual fruit and human religious activity is that the fruit brings glory to Jesus Christ. True spiritual fruit is so beautiful and wonderful that no man can claim credit for it; the glory must go to God alone

(Wiersbe) True Christian fellowship: I have you in my mind...I have you in my heart...I have you in my prayers

(Wiersbe) The same God who used Moses' rod, Gideon's pitchers, and David's sling used Paul's chains

(Wiersbe) Christians with the single mind look at the circumstances as God-given opportunities for the furtherance of the Gospel;they rejoice at what He is going to do instead of complaining what God did not do

(Wiersbe) Discouragement has a way of spreading, but so does encouragement

(Wiersbe) Envy and strife go together, just as love and unity go together

(Wiersbe) Because of Paul's chains, Christ was known;because of Paul's critics, Christ was preached;because of Paul's crisis, Christ was magnified

(Maltby Babock) Life is what we are alive to

(Wiersbe) Phil 1:21 is a valuable test of our lives: " For to me to live is _________ and to die is ____________" Fill in the blanks for yourself

(Wiersbe) The Christian life is not a playground;it is a battleground-we are soldiers defending the faith of the Gospel

(Wiersbe) What we believe determines how we behave, and wrong belief ultimately means a wrong life. Each local church is but one generation short of potential extinction

(Wiersbe) The most important weapon against the enemy is not a stirring sermon or a powerful book; it is the consistent life of believers

( Source unknown)  You are writing a gospel, a chapter a day,
                                By the deeds that you do and the words  that you say.
                                Men read what you write,whether fatihful or true:
                                Just what is the gospel according to you?

(Wiersbe) The greatest weapon against the devil is a godly life

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