Friday, May 6, 2011


( A. Rogers) Eph 5:31 shows the priority of, the permanence of, and the purpose of  marriage

(Wiersbe) Children probably learn more by watching and imitating than any other way

(Wiersbe) The old nature is basically selfish and for that reason builds walls and declares war. But the new nature is loving , and therefore builds bridges and proclaims peace

(Wiersbe) Our love for God is our response to His love for us

(Wiersbe) Sins of the tongue are really sins of the heart. Grace in the heart means grace on the lips

(Wiersbe) Two indications of peoples's character are what makes them laugh and what makes them weep

(Wiersbe) Sin in the life of a believer is different than sin in the heart of an unbeliever! It's worse!

(Wiersbe) Goodness is love in action

(Wiersbe) Righteousness means rightness of character before God and rightness of actions before men

(Wiersbe) Some preachers enjoy reveling in the sensational so much so that their sermons excite appetites and give to the innocent more information than they need. It is not necessary for the believer to perform an autopsy on a rotting corpse to explain its rottenness

(Wiersbe) If the days were evil when Paul wrote his epistles, what must be their condition today?

(Wiersbe) Too many Christians have the idea that discovering God's will is a mystified experience that rules out clear thinking. But this idea is wrong and dangerous. God gave you a mind-He expects you to use it. Learning His will involves gathering facts, examining them,weighing them, and then praying for His wisdom. God does not want us simply to know His will; He wants us to understnd His will. God reveals His will through the Word, His Spirit in our hearts, and the working of circumstances

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