Saturday, May 7, 2011


(David Livingston) Lord, lead me anywhere, only go with me;Lord, lay any burden on me,only sustain me;sever any tie from my heart or life that keeps me from doing the  total will of God

( Bonhoeffer) Every Christian has his own cross waiting from him; a cross destined and appointed by God. Each must endure his allotted share of suffering and rejection, but each has a different share. To endure the cross is not a tragedy; it isthe sufffering which is the fruit of an exclusive allegiance to Jesus Christ. When it comes, it is not an accident, but a necessity

(A. Rogers on Mt 6:33)   Desire Him preeminently, seek Him passionately, enjoy Him perpetually

(Ray Stedman) Satan has no old,happy men

(Ray Stedman) God created human beings to be creatures of splendor and authority; how heartbreaking to think of how much of God's image was lost in the Fall! Jesus fulfilled our  original destiny, lived  out our unfallen potential and sits at the right hand of God. He is the true man-humanity as God intended us to be.   
                                                                                                                 (Stanley) Jesus Christ knows experientially exactly what its like to be one of us; that's what makes HIm a great advocate. Jesus knows what it feels like to be tempted. We can never say to Him, " You don't know what its like  " because He does. In fact, we know less of the pain of temptation than He does, since He never gave into it

(Wiersbe) More spiritual problems are  caused  by neglect than perhaps any other failure on our part

(Wiersbe) Satan is not destroyed, but he is disarmed

(Julie Link) Sin put Jesus to the ultimate test. But His love endured it, His strength bore it, and His power overcame it

(Mart De Haan) The wisdom that comes from Glod is discerning, but not judgmental. Attitudes that add to the troubles of hurting people reflect the wisdom from below. The wisdom from above seeks to relieve their misery. True wisdom sees all people as those for whom Christ died

(Albert Einstein) defined insanity as doing the same thing over and over again, but expecting different results

(Stowell) If we do not live as counterculture followers the world would not   know that there is an alternative. Any thought of a Christianity without a cross is a deeply flawed view of faith. In fact, there are more people dying as a martyr in this season of church history than in all the other seasons combined

(Ray Stedman) The act of divorce is seen as a kind of  a "nonviolent domestic violence " when it is perpetrated by one spouse against an unwilling, innocent partner. Whatever the problems in a marriage ( short of abuse or domestic violence), I always encourage couples to find ways to heal the relationship and avoid divorce

(Ray Stedman) writing in 1997, " Most of the moral horrors that surround us today were unthinkable just  twenty years ago. What unthinkable horrors await us in the  next few years? Anything that is unthinkable now could easily be common place tomorrow.

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