Monday, May 9, 2011


(Luke 24:41/The Message paraphrase) They still couldn't believe what they were seeing. It was too much. It was too  good to be true

(Luke 24:41) The Living Bible paraphrase)  Still they stood there undecided, filled with joy and doubt

(Ray Stedman) Ther secret of humanity is open to anyone who opens his or her
heart to the Son of Man, the perfect man. He alone has penetrated the depths of the human spirit. He alone reestablishes the lost relationship with God that enables us to be what God intended us to be. He alone saves and restores what was lost in the fall of man, in the entrance of sin into the world. He alone can restore the marred, distorted image of God in our lives. All the possibility of a fulfilled humanity is available to anyone in whom the Spirit of God dwells. All that you deeply want in the innermost recesses of your heart you can be. I'm talking about the deepest, most inexpressible yearnings of your heart-your desire to be connected to God, to know Him, and to be known by Him; your desire to have your life count for something in the eternal scheme of things;your desire to be clean and whole and forgiven. Jesus makes it possible for you to fulfill God's best for you, so that you will be mature and Christ-like, filled with love, forgiveness, wholeness, and good works. The great mystery of the ages, the great questions that have been raised by the philosophers and thinkers about our great but horribly flawed human race- all this has been answered by the entrance of Jesus Christ, the Son of Man, into our humanity

(Charles Stanley) The first step to defuse douibt is to determine kits origin. The last thing Satan wants you to do is go to God in prayer and tell Him you feel doubtful

(Stanley) God often doesn't explain Himself. He simply calls us to trust Him

(Stanely) Always be honest with God. He knows it all anyway

( A Rogers) Cut the Bible anywhere, and it will bleed. The blood of Christ seems to stain every page

(John Stott) Christianity is in its very essence a resurrection religion. The concept of resurrection lies at its heart. If you remove it, Christianity is destroyed

(Wiersbe) How sad it is when God's perople forget His Wotrd and live defeated lives

(Wiersbe) How patient our Lord is as He listens to us tell Him what He already knows

(Wiersbe) commenting of Luke 24:27: " That was some Bible conference, and I wish I could have been there! Imagine the greatest teacher explaining the greatest themes from the greatest Book and bringing the greatest blessings to men's lives- eyes open to see Him, hearts open to receive the Word, and lips open to tell others what Jesus said to them

(Wiersbe) The key to understanding the Bible is to see Jesus Christ on every page

(Wiersbe) Understanding  Bible knowledge can lead to a " big head", but receiving Bible truth and walking with the Savior will lead to a burning heart

(Wiersbe) The best evidence that we have  understood the Bible and met with the living Christ is that we have something exciting to share with others

(Wiersbe) It has well been said that the only work of man now in heaven is the marks of Calvary on the body of the exalted Savior

(Wiersbe) As Christians, we are not judges or prosecuting attorneys sent to condemn, We are witnesses who point to Jesus Christ and tell lost sinners how to be saved

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