Friday, August 26, 2011


(Rogers) God prefers to use ordinary people

It has well been said that God will not share His glory with another
(Rogers) God will use a  person as long as that person continues giving glory to God

The question has often been repeated because it is such a heart-searching one: If it were to become a crime to be a Christian in America and you were arrested and brought to trial, would there be enough evidence to convict you?

(Rogers) Living without assurance is like driving with your parking brake on

( 1 John 4:17/ the Message) Our life in this world is actually His life lived in us

(Rogers) There are many professors of salvation  who are not possessors of salvation

(Rogers) Alka-Seltzer Christians- you drop them in water, they fizzle a little bit, but then they disappear

(Rogers) The Holy Spirit is the convicter, converter, and completer

(Rogers) Unsaved people do what comes naturally; spiritual Christians do  what comes supernaturally, carnal Chjristians do what comes unnaturally

(Stanley) Whomever God uses greatly, He first tests thoroughly

(Swindoll) Those who struggle the least with the will of God are those who know the Word of God the best

(Swindoll)  Tells humorous story of the father who told his son if he  would improve his grades, develop  regular practice of having a quiet time, and get his hair cut, he would  get him a used car. The son improved his grades, had daily devotions, but did not  get his hair cut.  His dad commeneded him for  the improved grades and  for having a quiet time, but inquired as to why he had not gotten his hair cut. His son responded that , as he studied the Bible, he has noticed that  some of the  Old Testament  leaders, John the Baptist, and Jesus had long hair. His father replied by asking his son if he had noticed that all these men walked wherever they went

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