Wednesday, August 24, 2011


(Rogers) We've come a long way but we have gone the wrong way

It has well been said that a sorrow shared is  halved and a joy shared is doubled

(Joanie Yoder)  Fruitfulness for Christ depends on fellowship with Christ

(Yoder)  Our needs can never exhaust God's supply

(Ray Stedman)  We will never begin to learn until we learn that we do not know anything

( Pastor Dustin George) The Bible begins with  creation and ends with the new creation

( Our Daily Bread) God tests our faith so that we may trust His faithfulness

( Joe Stowell)  Question for the workaholic: If what you do is who you are, who will you be when you stop doing what you're doing?

( Pastor Ron Stewart) Those who know you the best should respect you the most

( Rogers) Behind every command of God is the omnipotent power of God to carry it out

( Rogers) It will be a great day when we learn that Jesus does not want us to do anything for Him. He wants to do much through us

( Rogers) God wants to multiply us while the devil wants to divide us

(Rogers)   Wisdom is the ability to use knowledge

( Rogers) You are what you think

( Rogers) There is no such thing as Lone Ranger Christianity

(Rogers) Strength comes from surrendering

(Rogers) To be strong is to admit you are weak

(Rogers) The glorious truth of Christian liberty is not to be refused, confused, or abused

(Rogers) Man had to have the ability to choose evil in order  to have the freedom to choose good

( Rogers) When it comes to sharing their faith, some Christians never miss an opportunity to miss an opportunity

(Rogers) Satan has been defeated but he has not surrendered

(Rogers) Man is free to choose as he wishes but he is not free to choose the consequences of the choices he makes

( Winston Churchill)  Never give in. Never give in. Never, never, never, never give in

( Douglas MacArthur ) In war, there is no substitute for victory

( Rogers) Satan is not opposed  to religion. It is a major weapon in his arsenel

( Rogers) Hope is a certain and glad expectancy

(Rogers) Every nine seconds, a woman or child is battered or abused

(Rogers) The church is neither  the state's servant nor its master. It is the state's conscience

(Rogers) Government is  for the purpose of restraining evil, not restraining good

(Rogers) You do not belong to yourself  if you are a Christian. You are a purchased possession

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