Sunday, August 14, 2011


( Ray Stedman)  Truth is meaningless if it does not change our behavior

(Ray Stedman)  Idolatry is loving anyone or anything more than God

(Charles Stanley)  Our intimacy with God is His highest priority for our lives and determines the impact of our lives. God's top priority for your life is to walk in ever closer fellowship with Him

(Our Daily Bread)  Man's gretest goal---bringing glory to God

Irwin  Lutzer  tells story of  two men discussing the judgment of God. The first man asked the other if he was ready for the Judgment Day. The other man asked when would it be. The first man  said it could be sooner or later. The second man told the first man to get back to him when he found out because he was sure his wife would want to be there

(Hollie Miller) Said in a message that our church doesn't have fire extinguishers because we already have plenty of wet blankets walking around

There was  a fella who thought Joan of Arc was Noah's wife

(A. Rogers)  God always answers prayer in one of four ways: directly, differently, delayed, or denied

( Jonathan Falwell ) Only forty eight of people in America living together are married

(Charles Colson)  Power is like saltwater. The more you drink, the thirstier you get

Are you self-centered or others-centered

( Our Daily Bread) It's also too soon to quit

( Woodrow Kroll)  Holy living is a sure sign of heavenly longing

( Earl Radmacher)  The person I am becoming today is preparing me for the person I will be for all eternity

( Rogers) The church is the only organization I know of other than the Hells Angels that you have to profess to be bad before you can join

(Rogers) Anything I can talk you into, somebody else can talk you out of

( Ed Hindson) Bible prophecy is not written to prepare us. It is written to prepare us

( Irwin Lutzer ) Adam blamed Eve. Eve blamed Satan, and Satan didn't have a leg to stand on

( Barbara Johnson) Pain is inevitable; misery is optional

(Rogers) When we cover our sin, God uncovers it. When we uncover our sin, God covers it

(Rogers) If you're doing what you ought to be doing, you can't be doing what you ought not to be doing

(Rogers) We may have " In God we trust" on our money, but we have " Me first" in our hearts

( Rogers) The reason most people don't find satisfaction is that they are looking for it in the wrong places

( Rogers) Tells the story of the little boy who got saved and went to the pastor and told him he wanted to be advertised. Although he may have  misspoken. he made a profoundly  and  theologically accurate statement

( Rogers) The way to understand the part of the Bible you don't understand is to obey the part of the Bible you do understand

( Charles Stanley) If you have the Lord, you have everything. If you don't have the Lord, you have nothing

Accrostic to help in prayer life:

A  doration
C  confession
T  thanksgiving
S  upplication

 An accrostic to help before speaking , ask  yourself the following questions:

T   Is it true?
H   Will it be helpful or hurtful?
I    Is it inciteful or insightful?
N   Is it needed?
K   Is it kind?

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