Thursday, August 25, 2011


 ( Lutzer) Spiritual erosion will eventually  lead to spiritual implosion

(Rogers) What is called pluralism is really synchronism-- a dumbing down and melting together of all religions

(Rogers) Satan sneers at religion without reality

( Rogers) Beware of false teachers who use Bible words but their own dictionary

(Rogers) We don't have to get rich. We are already rich

(Rogers ) I am convinced that there are no problems in churches too big to be solved, only people to small to solve them

(Will Rogers) Everyone is ignorant, just on different subjects

(Swindoll) Discernment will keep you from being deceived, duped , and disillusioned

Bluegrass is what you have when you run over a smurf picnic with your lawnmower

( Rogers) Every kick has a kickback

The story is told of two wicked brothers  who had terrorized a town for many years. One of the  brothers died and the other brother offered  a large amount of money to any pastor who would call his deceased brother a saint at the funeral service. He was turned down  by several pastors until finally he found a pastor who agreed. When the  funeral service was held, the pastor, after reviewing the sinful life the man had lived, added, " But compared to his brother, he was a saint"

(Wiersbe) God is not impressed with our money

(Mark Twain) Civilization is a limitless accumulation of unnecessary necessities

( Carrie Ten Boom) Worry does not empty tomorrow of its sorrows; it empties today of its strength

(Wiersbe)  Worry is  disobedient,destructive, deceptive, and deformative

( Wiersbe) God's pleasures and our treasures must go together

( Henry Bosch)  I walked life's path with worry,
                          Disturbed  and quite unblessed,
                          Until I trusted Jesus
                          Now faith has given rest

( 1 Cor 11:29/The Message)  When someone gets to the end of the rope, I feel their desperation in my bones

( 2 Cor 12:7/ The Message)  So I wouldn't get the big head, I was given the gift of a handicap to keep me in constant touch with my limitations. No danger then of walking around high and mighty

(  2 Cor 12:5/Living Bible)  I am going to boast only about how weak I am and how great God is to use such weakness for His glory

(2 Cor 12:9/ Living Bible)  Each time He said no. But I am with you; that is all you need. My power shows up best in weak people

( 2 Cor 12:10/ Living Bible) When I am weak, then I am strong. The less I have, the more I depend on Him

( Lutzer)  Your legacy consists of what  you believed, what you did, and what you became

Paul's great prayers for the spiritual growth of believers:  Eph 3:14-19;Phil 1:9-12; Col 1:9-12

( Our Daily Bread) Prayer should be as natural as breathing

People won't see or hear Christ if we are standing in the way

(Les Fleetwood)  A leader worth following is a leader who is following Christ

( Stanley) The purpose of discipline is always restoration and renewal, not retribution and rejection

( Julie Link) What do people think about God as a result of being around you?

( Rogers) In the Old Testament, God had a temple for His people; in the New Testament, He has people for His temple

( Stanley)  God is sovereign, even when  in the face of life's worst trials. He will not allow us to be tested beyond our ability to withstand whatever the adversity is. God works in and through adversity to bring an end according to His timetable

( Dennis Fisher) What we dread most can be used to test our character and make us stronger. God will provide the strength and comfort to see us through

It has weell been said that a politician thinks  of the next election while the statesman  thinks of the next generation

(Rogers) In order for a person to have the ability to truly love God, they have to have the opportunity to choose not to love God

(Rogers)  Some people are like a " prison singer"-- always behind a few bars and unable to find the right key

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