Tuesday, August 2, 2011


( Bill Hybels) You are a one-of-a-kind, handmade original with gifts, skills, and talents different from those of anyone else in the history of civilization

( Hybels) Remember that feelings of bliss do not necessarily confirm God's leading. God does not promise that obedience immediatley leads to success or bliss. Sometimes,obedience can lead to very different challenges. Obedience led Jesus to the cross

( Warren Wiersbe) Death is not an accident; it's an appointment

( Charles Stanley) God's mercy prompts His discipline

( Wiersbe) At the Lord's Table,  we do not walk around a monument and admire it;we have fellowship with a living Savior as our hearts reach out in faith

(Wiersbe) When the church gathers together, we must be careful not to become religious detectives who watch others, but who fail to acknowledge our own sins

(Wiersbe)  Chastening is God's way of dealing with His children to encourage them to mature

(Wiersbe)  It is impossible for a true Christian to get closer to the Lord while at the same time he is separated  from his fellow believers

(Wiersbe) The Communion is not to be a  time of " spiritual autopsy" and grief, even though confession of sin is important

(Wiersbe)  Commenting of 1 Cor 11:17-34: " The Lord's Supper is a time to look back, look ahead, look within, and look around

( Our Daily Bread) Self-examination is one test from which no Christian is excused

( Bill Hybels) " Stuff" never delivers all it promises . Even if you secure more of it than you could ever dream, you'll still have a hole in your soul. When money becomes the preoccupation of your life and you fix your heart on it, it will leave you disappoointed every single time

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