Tuesday, August 16, 2011


(Rogers) Tells the story of a lady who went to see a psychiatrist. She had  a fried egg on top of her head and two slices of bacon over each ear. She told the psychiatrist she had come  to see him about her husband

( Our Daily Bread) The Christian life is not a sprint; it's a marathon

 ( Rogers) The three most important decisions you will  ever make in your life  are those involving  who your master, your mate, and your mission will be

( Rogers) Tells the story of the little girl wha was asked to  describe the difference between the clery and the laity. After giving the question  some careful thought, she replied, " the clergy are paid to be good while the laity are good for nothing"

(Rogers)  There are three types of folks in the church-- those who make things happen, those who watch things happens, and those who don't know anything is happening

( Rogers) Nothing lies beyond the reach of prayer except that which  lies outside the will of God

(Rogers) We are to pray to the Father through the Son in the Spirit

(Rogers) All powerful prayer is prayer that is packed with praise
                                                                                                                           (Rogers)  We are not what we think we are;what we think, we are

(Rogers) It's not so much what you know as how much you grow

(Rogers)  It has well been said that Satan trembles when  he the sees the weakest saint on his knees

(Rogers) I used to be amazed that some  would not believe; I am now amazed at what some people will believe

(Lutzer) Satan is only as strong as God allows him to be

( Lutzer)  J B Phillips wrote a wonderful book called Your God is Too Small. Someone should write a book entitled Your Satan is Too Large

( Our Daily Bread) The value of a leader is directly proportional to that leader's values

It has been often said that we live in a world  tht knows the cost of everything but the value of nothing and that most people spend money they don't have to buy things they don't need in order to impress people they don't like

( Our Daily Bread) Build your values around what lasts forever

( Our Daily Bread) Hold tightly to what is eternal but loosely to what is temporal

( Our Daily Bread) What we value determines our character

( Rogers)  God does business with those who mean business

The story is told of the reporter interviewing the football coach and asked him how it went last season. The coach replied that his team  had a 8-4 season. The reporter replied that eights wins and four losses was pretty good. The coach replied' " Oh no, there were eight arrests but only four convictions "

(Rogers) Six principles to consider in making a decision in a questionable area: expediency, enslavement,example, edification, exaltation, evangelism

I used to believe in reincarnation but that was in a former life

(Yogi Berra) Always go to others people's funerals; otherwise  they won't come to your's

( Yogi Berra) When you come to a fork in the road, always take it

( David Roper)  God's goals for us is greater than we could ever imagine

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