Wednesday, August 17, 2011


(David Roper) Wisdom has only one qualification-- we must know that we are fools

(Roper) Freedom is not the power to do what we want but to do what we should

(Tim Miller) If you want to know what your focus is, listen to your prayers, look at your calendar, and look at your checkbook

(Our Daily Bread) When you are tempted to lose pateience with someone, think how patient God has been with you

(Dave Roper) We are most like God whren we care for those He cares for

(Roper) What we think is what we are. Our character is formed by our thoughts

Satan says seeing is believing; God says believing is seeing

( Our Daily Bread) An important part of praying is a willingness to be part of the answer

(Roper) The things we love and take delight in tell us what we are

(Roper) Our character should guarantee our words

(Howard Hendricks) The test of integrity is how we behave when no one is watching

People don't care what you know until they know that you care

( John MacArthur) Nothing in all the world is more important  or more valuable than the truth

( Our Daily Bread) Write you plans in pencil and let God have the eraser

(Rogers) The best lies are the ones that sound the most like the truth

( John MacArthur) An apostate is someone who has received the light but not the life

( MacArthur) Life - love= zero

( Our Daily Bread) Tough times teach us to trust

( MacArthur) The heart and soul of Christianity is our relationship with Christ.
Our whole desire should be to know, love, serve, obey, and be like Him

( Donald Whitney) Godly people are disciplined people

(Wiersbe)  Faith is living without scheming

(MacArthur) We must draw lines of conviction where Scripture draws them

The story is told of the man that was so old he remembered when the Dead Sea got sick

(Roper) A senior citizen is both an old timer and a short timer

( MacArthur) A law of diminishing returns: the more we get the more we want, the more we want, the less satisfied we are

( Our Daily Bread) There is no substitute for being real

It has been said that just as many families are dominated by children, so are many churches

(Swindoll)  Tells the humorous story of an old man meeting Satan  Satan asked him, " You know who I am and are not afraid of me? " to which the old man replied, " Nope, why should I be? I've been married to your sister for sixty years"

( MacArthur)  A life of  love, excellence, integrity, and good works will always bring  glory to God

( MacArthur)  It was said of William Arnot, " His preaching is good, his writing is better, but his living is best of all "

( MacArthur) There is no place for an aristocracy or  an elite upper crust in any church

(Rogers) The first recorded words that God spoke in the Bible were " Let there be light "

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