Saturday, August 20, 2011


( Rogers) Outline of  his message about the question of what about those who have never heard?
The revelation factor
The refusal factor
The reception factor
The reckoning factor

 How would you spend today if you knew you were going to die tomorrow or that Christ would rapture the church tomorrow?

(Rogers) There are two days that can steal the joy from today-- yesterday and tomorrow. Yesterday is history, tomorrow is a mystery, today is a gift from God. That's what we call it the present . Today is the most important day of the rest of your life                                                                     

(Rogers)  Four problems with the past: guilt, glory,grief, and grudges

(Alvin Reed) Some churches favorite  song is" I shall not be moved"

(Wiersbe) People don't need critics, they need examples

A man was telling his buddy that his wife treated him like a god. His buddy  asked  how and he responded that  everyday when he got home she  served him a burnt offering

(Alvin Reed) There are three kinds of folks we need to reach- the churched, the unchurches, and the dechurched.

(Rogers) The art of living is using  time wisely

(Rogers) We ought to say " no "  to  at least  one thing each day so we can say to something more important

(Rogers) If you want to develop character, do something you don't feel like doing when you don't feel like doing it

(Robert Moffat) We shall have all eternity in which to celebrate our victories, but only one short  hour before  before the sun sets to win them

( Rogers) Happiness is like a thermometer that registers our conditions; joy is like a thermostat that controls how  we respond to them

Pain is inevitable; misery is optional

(Rogers)  Jesus is the Son of the living God-- the most important truth any man or woman could ever learn

(Rogers) Only Jesus has the answers to the questions  that matter the most; only Jesus can meet the deepest hunger of the human heart

(Rogers) Five proofs of the Bible: fulfilled prophecy, unity of themes and message,  its preservation and longevity, scientific and historical accuracy, and its undeniable,  transforming power

(Rogers) Anything you can talk a person into someone else can talk them out of

A tourist said to an old mountain man, "It's great to be alive, isn't it?" The old man replied, " I don't know. I ain't never been no other way"

(Our Daily Bread) When we truly love God, we will serve people

We either grow in grace or disgrace

(Rogers) I wouldn't trust the best  fifteen minutes I ever lived to get me into heaven

(Rogers) No amount of public opinion or judicial bullying can turn darkness into light or a lie into the truth

(Rogers) It is better to be divided by truth than it is to be united by error

(Rogers) It is better to speak the truth that hurts , then heals, than to tell a lie that comforts, then kills

(Rogers) It is better to be hated for telling the truth than to be loved for telling a lie

( David Jeremiah)  What you believe about the future determines how you live today

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