Tuesday, August 9, 2011


(Adrian Rogers) A church will either evangelize or fossilize

(Rogers) A perfect spouse is a person who doesn't expect a perfect spouse

( Rogers) Show me a man who says he understands women and I'll show you a man who will lie about almost anything

(Rogers) Live your life in such a way that the pastor won't have to lie at your funeral

( Unsure of originator ) True riches are those things money can't buy and death can't take away

( Rogers) Worship is simply enjoying the presence of God. You need nothing more. Don't settle for anything less

( Charles Stanley /several years ago )  " If all the babies aborted in the United States since Roe v. Wade were buried side by side in four foot caskets, the cemetary would be a one hundred square mile area "

Unity is diversity in harmony

( Spurgeon) We have two choices-- we can be humbled or we can be humbled

( A.  Rogers)  Life has many choices; eternity has only two

( Warren Wiersbe) Not all unity is good; not all division is bad

( A. Rogers) When  God multiplies, Satan tries to divide

( A. Rogers) America is now characaterized by liberalism in the church, humanism in the schools, materialism in the home, and paganism in society

The church must always be alert to becoming  comfortable, content, complacent, compromising, and conforming

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