Wednesday, August 10, 2011


(Warren Wiersbe) The pleasures of sin last a season; the pain and penality of sin last for eternity

Leadership is the art of getting people to do what they ought to do because they want to do it

( Adrian Rogers) Legalists are gracebusters

B asic
I  nstruction
B efore
L eaving
E arth

Cartoon: Turtle with sign on back saying, " I brake for slugs"

(Dustin George)  Did God choose ? Absolutely
                           Do I have a choice? Absolutely
                           Do I understand it? Absolutely not

(Lou Holtz) Speaking of himself as a college student, said a  college counselor told him he had met a lot of students who didn't know what was happening but that he was the first one who didn't even suspect anything was happening

Neurotics Anonymous- a new organization

( Adrian Rogers) When you marry an unsaved person, you have  the devil for a father-in-law

(Rogers) Happiness is  cosmetic; joy is character

(Rogers) Secret faults cause moral earthquakes

( Swindoll) From time to time we need to tale a long look at our short lives

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