Thursday, June 30, 2011


In his dying hours, Oscar Wilde, surrounded by friends , was said to have commented on his dislike for the wall paper in his room and  then osbseving,  "One of us is going to have to go"

(Ray Stedman) Job is the epic story of cosmic warfare that is waged within the mind, body, and spirit of a single human being

(Philip Yancey)   God will not test you beyond your endurance

(Philip Yancey) On suffering:" God is trying to teach you something. You should feel privileged, not bitter, about your opportunity to lean on Him in faith

(Yancey)  The book of Job plainly shows that " helpful advice" does nothing to answer the questions of the person in pain. It is the wrong medicine despensed at the wrong time

(Ray Stedman) Clearly, only a transcendent, superhuman mind could embrace, comprehend, and direct the full range of creation in all its variety, complexity, and power

(Stedman) On the book of Job:" The essence of God's argement is that life is too complicated for simple answers. If you are demanding that God come up with simple answers to these deep and complicated problems, you are asking Him  to do more than you can understand. Therefore, we finite human beings must take the position of trusting Him, not arguing with Him. Ultimately, we must accept the fact that God does not exist for people but people for God. We are God's instruments. We exist to carry put His purposes, some of which are so complicated and transcendent that we are hopelessly incapable of comprehending them

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