Saturday, June 4, 2011


(Wiersbe) It is unfortunte that the saints are at war with each other, leader against leader, church against church fellowship against fellowship. The world watches and says, " Behold, how they hate each other !"  Why are we at war against each other? We belong to the same family, we trust the same Savior, we are indwelt by the same Holy Spirit--- and yet we fight one another. The war in the heart is helping cause the war in the church .Often we veil our religious quarrels under the disguise of " spirituality"

(Wiersbe) The essence of sin is selfishness

(Wiersbe) When our praying is wrong, our whole Christian life is wrong

(Wiersbe) Selfish living and selfish praying always lead to war. If there is war on the inside, there will ultimately be war on the outside

(Wiersbe) Sometimes we use prayer as a cloak to hide our true desires. " But I prayed about it " can be one of the biggest excuses a Christian can use

(Wiersbe) The root cause of every war, internal and external, is rebellion against God, How does a believer declare war against God? By being friendly with God's enemies

(Wiersbe) Satan is the author of all " do it yourself" spiritual enterprises. He enjoys inflating the ego and encouraging the believer to do it his own way

(Wiersbe) One of the problems in our churches today is that we have too many celebrities and not enough servants. Christian workers are promoted so much that there is little place for God's glory

(Wiersbe) Unconditional surrender is the only way to complete victory

(Wiersbe)  Dr. A W Tozer has a profound essay in one of his books entitled, " Nearness is likeness". The more we are like God, the nearer we are to God

(Wiersbe) Put the government of your life on His shoulders, and let Him become the Prince of Peace in your life ( Is 9:6)

(Wiersbe) When a believer is out of the will of God, he becomes a troublemaker and not a peacemaker

(Wiersbe) Too many believers look on the will of God as bitter medicine  they must take instead of seeing it as the gracious evidence of the  love of God. The safest place in the world is right where God wants you. The will of God comes from the heart of God

(Wiersbe) Apart from the will of God, life is a mystery. Life is not uncertain to God, but it is uncertain  to us. To us, life seems long by the way we measure it in years;but  in comparison to eternity, life is but a vapor. We count our years at each birthday; but God tells us to number our days. Since life is so brief,we cannot afford merely to " spend our lives"; and we certainly do not want to " waste our lives". We must invest our lives in those things that are eternal

(Wiersbe) Man cannot control future events. He has neither the wisdom to see the future nor the power to control the future

(Wiersbe) To treat the Word of God lightly is to invite the chastening of God in our lives

(Wiersbe) Many people have the mistaken idea that the will of God is a formula for misery. Just the opposite is true! It is disobeying the Lord's will that will lead to misery

(Wiersbe) " If the Lord will" is not just a statement  on a believer's lips; it is the constant attitude of the heart

(Wiersbe) Paul did not consider the will of God as a chain that shackled him;rather it was a key that opened the doors and set him free

(Wiersbe)  God's will is specifically designed for each of us. No two lives are planned according to the same pattern. The will of God is " tailor-made" for each of us, The will of God is a living relationship between God and each believer

(Wiersbe) When God cannot rule, He overrules

(Wiersbe) The will of God is not difficult to discover. If we are willing to obey, He is willing to reveal it ( Joh 7:17) God does not reveal His will to the curious or the the careless, but to those who are ready and willing to obey Him

(Wiersbe) Everything in our lives is important to God, and He has a plan for each detail

( Wiersbe) People ask, " How do I determine God's will for my life?"  You start with the thing you ought to do, and you do that. Then God opens the way for the next step. The more we obey, the easier it is to discover what God wants us to do

(Wiersbe) The secret of a happy life is to delight in duty. When duty becomes delight, then burdens become blessings

(Wiersbe)  His outline of three responses to God's will: (1) Ignoring God's will ( James 4:13,14,16);(2) disobeying God's will( James 4:17); (3) obeying God's will ( James 4:15)

(Dave Branon)  His outline of James 4:7-10: Give in! Get close! Clean up! Get down!

(Our Daily Bread) The most powerful testimony is a godly life

(James Stalker) Excessive aversion to controversy may be an indication that a church has no keen sense of possessing truth which is of great worth-- and  that it has lost appreciation for the infinite difference in value between truth and error

(Wiersbe) Tells the story of a quaint old country preacher who preached a three-point sermon on Ps 40:2-3: God brought him up, God stood him up, and God tuned him up

(Wiersbe) When the heart delights in God's law, the will has no problem obeying

(Wiersbe) Worship is not an escape from life but the opportunity to honor God and be equipped to face life and live for His glory

(Mart De Haan) At a moment in time, the eternal God closed His eyes and stopped breathing. At that moment, God was dead--not just in the perception of others, but in real time and in an actual place. The Second Person of the Three-in- One God became a real man to die a real death for us-- a mystery that is beyond human comprehension

(Mart De Haan) Those who allow the Spirit of Christ to be seen in them are an antidote to the opinion that " God is dead"

( J. Oswald Sanders) Ultimately, loneliness stems from mankind's alientation from God, so no remedy that does not take this factor into account will afford more than superficial and temporary relief

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