Monday, June 27, 2011


(Dave Branon) Grudges are a burden too heavy to bear. A grudge is one thing that doesn't get better when it  is nursed

( Unknown source) If you aim at nothing you are sure to hit it

(Unknown source) Know what you stand for and stand for what you know

(Ronald Reagan) The most terrifying words in the English language are," I'm from the government and I'm here to help you "

(Abraham Lincoln) You cannot help man permanently by doing for them they would and should do for themselves

(James Robison) We must see each person as God sees them, as   a person of eternal value and significance

(James Robison) In its proper role, government is practically invisible

(George Will) Almost  nothing is as important in Washington as almost everything in Washington is made to appear. And the importance of a Washington event is apt to be  inversely proportional to the attention it receives

(James Robison) Our goal is not to enable government to provide; it is to enable government to enable people

( E J Dionne) Because the average voter believes that politics will do little to improve his life or that of his community, he votes defensively, if he votes at all

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