Tuesday, June 28, 2011


(Gouverneur Morris) The constitution is not an instrument for government to restrain the people; it is an instrument for the people to restrain the government-lest it comes to dominate our lives and interests

(James Robison) The founders worked together to make sure that  government stayed in its place. They wanted to make sure it served so that it would never be tempted to enslave

(James Robison) One of the great fallacies of our time is that it is somehow the responsibility of the government to act as savior

(Bill Crowder)  God's love for us is as expensive as the open arms of Christ on the cross

(Dan Smoot) Government can give the people nothing which the government has not first taken away from them

(James Robison) Too often Christians become so focused on defending the faith that they fail to share the power of love

(James Robison) All over the world there are billions of people just waiting to be loved. We must show them Jesus before we tell them about Jesus

(James Robison) Where is the church, by and large? Rather than seeking to solve the dire problems we face in the world, far too many Christians are busy defending their theological positions, Either that or or they're living life as if they are oblivious to what's going on. How long are we going to fight  one another while people are in pain, many without shelter, many suffering from addiction, malnutrition, and fatherlessness. There is no substitute for compassionate action. We need people who are willing to act

(James Robison) Humanism invariably generates momentum toward rule by an elite class of supposedly superior individuals  and groups. This , in time, leads  to concentration of power in the central government

(Robison) Too many Christians have fallen for the notion that Chrisianity and politics don't mix. Whatever its source. I beleive the withdrawal syndrome that  prevails among Christians and other decent citizens is mistaken and dangerous. If we don't stand up for absolute principles, who will? If politics is a " dirty business", it is only because the " clean" perople have abandoned the process and let the " dirty" people take over

(Robison) As a general rule, only fifty percent of the American people vote in presidential elections, the lowest of any free country in the world

( Edmund Burke) All that is necessary for evil to triump is for goodmen to do nothing

(Our Daily Bread) Too often, when we  give someone a piece of our mind, we lose our own peace of mind

(Robison) Some people pride themselves on ebing members of the  " silent majority". How naive! A silent majority is a servile majority , blindly catering to the interests of the militant minorities to whom it has abdicated the responsibility of government. The silent majority needs to wake up and speak up

(Edward Everett Hale) I am only one - but still I am one. I cannot do everything, but still I can do something. And because I cannot do everything, I will mnot refuse to do  the something that I can do.

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