Saturday, June 18, 2011


(James Robison) It takes more faith not to believe in God than to acknowledge His existence

(Robison) People say to me, " How can you believe in a God you cannot see or prove exist?". My answer is that I do see Him in what He has designed and ,perhaps most of all, I can see Him in other people who have surrendered themeselves to Him and who allow His love to overflow in their lives

(Robison) A truly God-centered life, lived out with integrity, is the best theological argument you'll ever encounter

(Robison) Christians possess a source of power within them that is greater than any force in this world, seen or unseen

(Robison) I meet a lot of people who have abundance in life but don't have abundance of life

(Robison) Some of the wealthiest areas in America have more misery per square foot than any slum in America

(George Washington) It is impossible to rightly govern the world without God and the Bible

(William Penn) If we will not be governed by God, then we will be ruled by tyrants

( Ronald Reagan) Speaking of his father, " I never really knew him"

(Emily Dickinson) Public opinion is a flitting thing, but the truth outlasts the sun

(Robison) Objective truth is neither subject to nor swayed by the extent of its opposition

(Robison) Lessons from history and from the Bible... illustrate that majority thinking is rarely an accurate barometer of what is right and true.

(Robison) Truth is  most often offensive when it clashes with tradition

( Leonardo Da Vinci) Do unto others as though you were the others

(Robison) Every life is worth honoring, protecting, and saving.There are no expendable or disposable people

(Robison) Every year in the United States more than one million of the most innocent and helpless lives in the world are terminated by abortion

(Thomas Jefferson) The chief purpose of government is to protect life. Abandon that and you have abandoned all

(Robison) Greed has an appetite that can never be satisfied and a thirst that can never be quenched;it's ambition  can never be exhausted.It makes demands that  can never be fulfilled and creates needs that can never be met. Greed always wants more

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