Thursday, June 9, 2011


(Steven Davey) Satan accuses God before the believer and the believer before  God

(Joe Stowell) Pleasure, pride,and passion, apart from God, become dedicated servants of self, and, as such, can never fully satisfy. Just as there is no significance outside of Christ, there is no true fulfillment of the inner drives of pleasure, pride, and passion apart from Him

(Oswald Chambers) There is only one Being who can satisfy the last aching abyss of the human heart, and that is the Lord Jesus Christ

(Joe Stowell) What people do is only the outward result of how they manage the forces that flow deep within them. What happens in the hidden world within us determines that actions that are plain for all to see

(Stowell) After Stalin's death, his daughter revealed that on his deathbed, he rose with his last breath to shake his fist at God

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