Monday, June 27, 2011


(James Robison) No culture, society  or civilization has ever survived-much less prospered- when the family was not honored,protected, and firmly established as the basis of human relations. We will find no replacement for the family. There is no substitute. There is no alterntive. The family will always be the cornerstone of society

(James Robison) Commenting on Booker T. Washington: " His greatest legacy was not what he accomplished for himself, but in what he helped thousands of others- both black and white- to accomplish

(Robison) In order for us to treat all people as Jesus would have us do,, we must see people through the eyes of Jesus

(Robison) When we come to realize  hat our differences are valuable, we begin to see how diversity can be a powerful force for good in the world.

(Robison) defines true justice as the principle of right action in conformity to truth

(A. Rogers) Jesus is the greatest home builder. Satan is the greatest home wrecker

(Charles Stanley) It is an amazing thing that God promises to reward us richly for doing nothing but what we should do

(Charles Stanley) Paul never compromiosed his convictions, but he was more than willing to find common ground and meet people wherever they happened to be

(A. Rogers) It is more important to influence perople than to impress them

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