Sunday, September 25, 2011


( Norman Cousins ) Never underestimate the power of words. For every word in Hitler's Mein Kampf, 125 people died in WW II

( Wiersbe) What we say either  enriches people or cheapens them

( Wiersbe) Behind a smiling face is often a broken heart

( Wiersbe) God is more than able to handle all challenges that come our way and that assurance is the source of our peace, The peace the world offers is a temporary distraction, not a permanent possession. It is usually based on deception, not reality, and never really solves the problems in the heart. Until we are right with God and have His peace within, we can never be right with ourselves, our circumstances, or with other people. Before we can enjoy the peace of God, we must first have peace with God

( Wiersbe) God promises to bless His Word, not ours

( Ray Stedman) Life can never be fully understood nor fully lived except through a relationship with God

( Ray Stedman) Choices are the hinges of eternity

( Ray Stedman) Reading a proverb takes seconds, memorizing a proverb takes minutes, applying a proverb takes a lifetime

( Ray Stedman) The fear of the Lord is not the fear that God might hurt us but rather the fear we might hurt Him

April 30 each year is National Honesty Day

( Our Daily Bread) People who trust God's Word should be people whose word can be trusted

( Ray Stedman) One of the greatest principles that runs through the Bible from beginning to end is that God never wins His battles by majority vote

( Ray Stedman) Over the great doors  of the cathedral in Milan, Italy is this inscription: " All that pleases is but for a moment; all that troubles is but for a moment; Nothing is important save that which is eternal "

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