Tuesday, September 6, 2011


( Our Daily Bread) The One who upholds the universe will never let you down

(Cymbala) We simply need to take God at His Word, trusting and obeying regardless of the what-if's and regardless of our fears

( Merle d'Aubigne)  God prepares His work through the ages and accomplishes it by the weakest instruments when His time is come so that the results may be seen to be of God and not of man

(Cymbala) God's strength  is far greater than your weakness; God's grace is much stronger than your fears

It has well been said that it is amazing what can be accomplished when no one cares who gets the credit

(Cymbala) The deepest experience of joy comes from being in the center of God's will, no matter how precarious that may seem

(Cymbala) What the world calls great is often an abomination to God and what the world laughs at is often  what God calls great

(Cymbala) Ordinary people can make an extraordinary impact when they yield themselves to the purposes of God

(Cymbala) What God has in mind for those who love Him wholeheartedly is more than you would ever dream

( Rom 12:2/ The Message) Be what you were made to be

(Rogers) God did not create Satan as an evil person. He created a perfect angel and  gave him the freedom of choice

It has well been said: Be what you are and not what you ain't because
                                  if you ain't what you are then you are what you ain't

(Ray Stedman) The most reasonable, intelligent, thoughtful, purposeful, and spiritual thing you can do with your life is to give yourself to God and to live for Him

( Julie Link)  God sees what others do not and will reward those  whose work is unseen by others

No service for Christ goes unnoticed by Him

(Cymbala) Peace is that deep sense that God is in charge of my life and that He is working out the best for me, whether I understand it at the moment or not

( Ray Stedman) When I try, I fail; when I trust, He succeeds

( Ray Stedman) Dedication,discipline,diligence--- the keys to spiitual strength

( Joe Stowell) God uses the most unlikely people in the most unlikely places to teach us some of life's most difficult lessons

(Cymbala) God has called every single Christian to do something that only he or she can do

( Cymbala) We cannot live in known disobedience and expect God to bless us

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