Tuesday, September 20, 2011


(Wiersbe) What comes out of the mouth is what has been stored in the heart

( Ambrose Bierce)  Speak when you are angry and you  will make the best speech you will ever regret

( Wiersbe) If people go away from church saying " What a beautiful choir " or    " What an eloquent speaker" or " What a magnificent sanctuary", then they are missing the mark. They should go away saying " What a wonderful Lord they worship. " This means God alone is receiving the glory

( Stanley) The very power that enabled Jesus to resist all temptation dwells in every Christian.

( Stanley) To live the Christian life is to allow Jesus to live His life in and through us

( Stanley) We should  never imagine that our sin affects only ourselves and no one else

( V. Raymond Edman)   It's always too soon to quit

(Wiersbe) Faith - look up and have confidence; love- look around and encourage; hope-look ahead with assurance

( Alexander Pope) Blessed is he who expects nothing, for he shall never be disappointed

( H L Mencken)  Defined hope as a " pathological belief in the occurrence of the impossible "

( Wiersbe) The past is a rudder to guide us, not an anchor to hold us back

It has well been said that we should learn from the past, but not live in it

( Wiersbe) True hope enables us to look at earth from a  heaven's point of view
and see the present in the light of the future

( Wiersbe) God arranged that our eyes be in front of our heads. He wants us to look forward

( Hollie Miller) How do churches die( based on Rev 3:1-6) ?  Unnoticeably, gradually, carelessly, and sinfully

( Wiersbe) How tragic it is when churches abandon preaching the Gospel and substitute entertainment, pop psychology. lectures, and religious pep talks

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