Sunday, September 11, 2011


(Mart De Haan)  The Bible is not so much like a  priceless picture on a wall but like a window through which we view all else

Over a third of a billion people were killed during the twentieth century

(Mart De Haan)  Our message needs to be marked by both urgency and patience; by conviction without condemnation; by care without compromise. We need to communicate with truth and grace. We need to attack ideas and not people

(Sandra Wilson) Many have an inordinate desire for the affirmation of others. When our personal identity and sense of worth depends on other people's  approval, we will listen to their words more than to God's Word. Addiction to the approval of authority figures breeds a love for human approval that surpasses the love for God's approval

(Sandra Wilson) Pedestals are precarious places for himan beings to inhabit because God never designed us to live there

Sandra Wilson)  We live in a society where tolerance has become our highest value-- more prized than truth

( Sandra Wilson) Being in an intimate, loving relationship with God is the source of our highest joy

( Sandra Wilson)  Oh that we would get it straight once for all. God loves us because of who He is, not because of who we are                                         

 ( Sandra Wilson) Leaders must develop a circle of accountability. It is an absolute non-negotiable must for everyone in ministry of any kind at any level. Period.

( Hollie Miller)  Commenting on the Ascension of Christ: (1) His position was restored(2) His promise was fulfilled (3) His priesthood began

( Poem in Our Daily Bread)

           The comfort God has given us
           He wants us all to share
           With others who with broken hearts
           Are caught in deep despair

( Sandra Wilson) We must forgive those who have hurt us before we can live in the freedom God intends for us. Genuine forgivenss forces us to relinquish our fantasy of having a past that never was so we can see the truth of what is and what can be

( Charles Stanley) God created us  for deep fellowship with Him but we make the choice whether we will fulfill our purpose

( Our Daily Bread) A good example preaches the most powerful sermon

( Sandra Wilson) Only the forgiven can truly forgive

( Sandra Wilson) Forgiving is not denying the wrong done to us; it is releasing the right to wrong them in return

( Sandra Wilson) No one ever gets away with sin

(Sandra Wolson) Resentment and bitterness are like being tied with barbed wire to people who hurt us

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