Monday, July 25, 2011


(Warren Wiersbe) There is a big difference between hurting someone and harming them. Sometimes those who love us most must hurt us in order to keep us from harming ourselves. True discipline is an evidence of love

(Wiersbe) Church discipline is not a popular subject or a widespread practice. Too many churches "  sweep things  under the rug" instead of obeying the Scriptures and confronting the situation boldly by " speaking the truth in love"  " Peace at any price " is not a biblical principle, for there cannot be true spiritual peace without purity. Problems  that are " swept under the rug " have a way of multiplying and creating even worse problems later on. After all, discipline is as much a matter of obedience to the Lord as it is an obligation to a brother. When a church family assures a forgiven brother or sister  that their sin is forgotten and their fellowship restored, there is a sense of the Lord's presence that is wonderful to experience. Those times can be happy and holy hours. When timid church leaders try to " white wash " situations instead of facing them honestly, they are grieving the heart of the Lord. When there is an unforgiving spirit in a congregation because sin has not been dealt with in a biblical manner, it gives Satan a " beachhead " from which he can operate in the congregation. We grieve the Holy Spirit and " give place to the devil" when we harbor and unforgiving spirit ( Eph 4:27-32)
                                                                                                              Lou Gehrig still holds the record for hitting the most grand slam home runs

(Wiersbe) The Holy Spirit convicts us of sin so that we will confess it and turn to Christ for cleansing; but Satan accuses us of sin so that we will despair and give up

( Wiersbe)  Love puts others first, seeks to help others grow, and forgives and encourages

( Wiersbe) The believer can always be sure that God is working everything together for good, so long as we love Him and seek to obey His will ( Rom 8:28). This promise is not an excuse for carelessness, but it is an encouragement for confidence

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