Saturday, July 9, 2011


(Charles Stanley)  God remains active in our lives even when it feels as though He has fallen silent

(A. Rogers) The Bible doesn't talk about making  "decisions " , it says to go and make desciples. If you want to know whether anything real and lasting and holy has been accomplished, don't count decisions, count desciples. Come back later and see if anyone is following the Lord Jesus Christ

(A Rogers) If you please Jesus, it doesn't matter whom you displease, and if you displease Jesus, it doesn't matter whom you please

(A Rogers) Principles of descipleship: There is a Person to please, a price to pay, a Person to pursue, and a prize to possess

(James Dobson) I am still awestruck by the unbelievable dimensions of God's creation. How does one grasp the meaning of a visible universe that is at least thirty billion light years across and composed of perhaps one hundred billion galaxies, each containing hundreds of billions of stars? After exploring what the Creator has done and how He continues to control the vast reaches of the cosmos, I find it easy to trust Him with the concerns of my life. Somehow, it seems like He just might be able to handle them

(Dr. Stephen Hawking)  When one's expectations are reduced to zero, one really appreciates everything one does have ( comment he made after being  told he had terminal ALS disease) . If you're disabled, you should pour your energies into those areas where you are not. You  can do well and not mourn over what you cannot do. And it's very important not to give into self-pity. A physically handicapped person certainly cannot afford to be psychologically handicapped as well

( James Dobson) An individual in crisis will either grow stronger or become demoralized. Within certain limits, of course, adversity can have a positive effect on people by helping them to build character. I call this the adversity principle. As strange as it seems, habitual well-being is not advantageous to a species. An existence without challenge takes it's toll on virtually every living thing. It is accurate to say that hard times often lead to emotional and physical toughness. Therefore the opposite must be also be valid. And, indeed, it is. Easy living and abundance often produce a certain underlying weakness

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