Thursday, July 21, 2011


(Charles Stanley) A Christian life devoid of joy is not only unbiblical, it is not worth having

(Stanley) Holiness is not a dour, grim-faced determination to do the religious things that drain all enjoyment out of life

(A.Rogers) Holiness is not the way to Christ. Christ is the way to holiness

( Warren Wiersbe) Because Christians are " strangers" in the world, they are considered to be " strange" in the eyes of the world

(Wiersbe) Peter is preeminenetly the apostle of hope, as Paul is the apostle of faith and John of love

(Wiersbe) When God permits His children to go through the furnace, He keeps His eye on the clock and His hand on the thermostat. He will not permit us to suffer one minute too long. It has been said that the Eastern goldsmith kept the metal in the furnace until he could see his face reflected in it. So our Lord keeps us in the furnace of suffering until we reflect the glory and beauty of Jesus Christ

(Wiersbe)   The person who abandons his faith when the going gets tough is only proving that he really had no faith at all

(Wiersbe) It is encouraging to know that we are born for glory, kept for glory, and being prepared for glory

( Our Daily Bread) Those who bless God in their trials will be blessed by God through their trials

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