Friday, July 1, 2011


Despite its membership in the bird family, an ostrich can't fly-but it can outrun a horse

(Richard Halverston)  Jesus does not want you to become a Christian; He wants you to become a new creation. There is a vast difference between the two

(James Robison) Some of the meanest people on the planet are not only members of church organizations, they are  often leaders within their churches and denominations! Some assassinate  one another with their words, misrepresentations, accusations-even using the Bible as a weapon of unholy warfare. Far too often in the history of the church, Christian leaders and "defenders of the faith" have used the Bible to destroy the reputation of others. Instead of demonstrating unity in the spirit for the entire family of God to emulate, some leaders refuse to interact with one another. It sometimes seems that they are more interested in building their own little empires than in building up the body of Christ. As a result, the Christian community suffers and fails to grow into full maturity.

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