Saturday, July 16, 2011


(Charles Stanley)  None of us can long survive, let alone prosper, without the sincere prayers of others offered on our behalf. God has designed the Christian life as a community event, not as a solo endeavor

(Warren Wiersbe)  The  " modern "  version of Eph 6:1 would be, " Parents, obey your children for this will keep them happy and bring peace to the home "

(Wiersbe ) Life is not measured only by quantity of time. It is also measured by quality of experience

(Wiersbe)  Sin robs us; obedience always enriches us

( Wiersbe) The best way to be a witness on the job is to do a good day's work

(Wiersbe) Christianity knows nothing of  compartmentalizing life into sacred and secular

(Wiersbe)  The person who is  not under authority has no right to exercise authority. This explains why many of the great men of the Bible were first servants, befoe God made them rulers

(Wiersbe) The fruit of the Spirit is love and love is the greatest adhesive in the world

(Wiersbe)  Sooner or later every believer discovers that the Christian life is a battleground, not a playground

(Wiersbe) "  Society apart from God " is  a simple, but accurate, definition of     " the world "

(Wiersbe) As believers, we fight from victory, not for victory

(Wiersbe) We are wasting our time fighting people when we ought to be fighting the  devil who seeks to control people and make them oppose the work of God

(Wiersbe) Truth is the integrating force in the life of the victorious Christian. A man of integrity, with a clear conscience, can face the enemy without fear. The life we live either fortifies us against Satan's attacks or makes it easier for him to defeat us. Our positional righteousness in Christ, without practical righteousness in the daily life, only gives Satan opportunity to attack us

(Wiersbe)  The most victorious Christian is a witnessing Christian

( Wiersbe) It is too bad that many Christians have the idea that the intellect is not important, when in reality, it plays a vital role in Christian growth, service, and victory

(Wiersbe) Satan can quote the Word, but he does not quote it completely.         "  You can prove anything  by the Bible , "  someone has said. True--- if you take verses out of context, leave out words, and apply verses to Christians today that do not really apply

(Wiersbe) We are never out of Satan's reach, so we must never  be without the whole armor of God

( Wiersbe) Prayer is the power for victory

(Wiersbe)  We should never have to say when we pray, " Lord, we come tinto They presence, " because we have never left His presence

(Wiersbe) Praise changes  things as much as prayer changes things

( Wiersbe) The Bible formula is that we pray  to the Father through the Son in the Spirit

(Robert Law )  Prayer is not getting man's will done in heaven; it is getting God's will done on earth

(Wiersbe) Most of us quit praying just before God is about to give the victory.
Keep on praying until the Spirit stops you or the Father answers you

(Wiersbe) If my prayers help  other believers defeat Satan, then that victory will help me too

(Wiersbe) There is nothing wrong with  memorials provided they don't become religious idols that turn our hearts from God, and provided they don't so link us to the past that we fail to serve the Lord in the present. Glorifying the past is a good way to petrify the present and rob the church of power. The next generations need reminders of what God has done in history, but these reminders must also strengthen their faith and draw them closer to the Lord

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