Tuesday, February 22, 2011

More quotes 22211

(Wiersbe) If we seek glory, nothing much will happen, and what does happen won't last

(Wiersbe) Prayer must never be a substitute for action

(Wiersbe) Someone has said that responsibility is our response to God's ability

(Wiersbe) God's calling  always includes God's enabling

(Philip Brooks) Do not pray for tasks equal to your power. Pray for power equal to your tasks

(Wiersbe)  Never underestimate the power of words spoken from a heart of love backed by a life of service

(Wiersbe) Never  forget that behind many a smiling face is a broken heart

(Wiersbe) God's peace is not the absence of conflict but  the presence of the Lord in the midst of our battles

(Wiersbe) In today's world it is either  go to pieces or go in peace

(Daily Bread) Usually when  we give someone a piece of our mind we lose our peace of mind

(Swindoll) The cure for the infection of error is the antibiotic of truth

(Wiersbe) What begins with grace always leads to glory

(Wiersbe) The variety of God's grace matches the variety of our trials

(Adrian Rogers) Satan pays high wages but he pays in counterfeit

(Philip Yancey)  Christ never forced anyone to believe in Him

(A. Rogers) Friend, it takes just as much wisdom to know what not to say

(David Branon)  To be under Christ's control is to have true freedom

(P. Yancey ) The next time you're feeling too important, remember that a human being is a tiny dot on  a tiny  planet .

(Yancey) Christians are God's exhibit A, His demonstration piece to the powers of the unseen world

(Yancy) We human beings inhabit a mere speck of a planet in the outer suburbs of a spiral galaxy that is only one of about a million, million such galaxies in the observable universe

(Yancey) At the moment when faith  is hardest and least likely, then faith is needed most

(Yancey) Have you  learned to see beyond the physical reality in this world to the spiritual reality?

(Yancey) Is your relationship with God one that will transcend any hardship?

(Yancey) The cross demolished for all time the basic assumption that life will be fair

(Yancey) The cross revealed what kind of world we have and what kind of God we have: a world of gross unfairness, a God of sacrificial love

(Yancey) Perhaps God keeps us ignorant at times because  enlightenment might not help us

(Yancey) God lives on a  " higher level", in another dimension. The universe does not contain Him; He created the universe . In a way we cannot fathom, He is not bound by space and time. Before time there is only eternity, and eternity is a never-ending present.

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