Tuesday, February 22, 2011


(Yancey) Light travels almost six trillion miles a year

(Yancey) God, outside both time and space, can view what happens on earth in a way we can only guess at, and never fully comprehend

(Yancey) God lives outside of time as we perceive it, and yet sometimes steps into time

(Yancey) Before creating time, God made provision to redeem a fallen planet that did not even exist except in the mind of God

(Yancey) We remain ignorant of many details, not because God enjoys keeping us in the dark, but because we have not the faculties to absorb so much light

(Yancey) Not until history has run its course will we understand how "all things work together for good". Faith means believing in advance what will only make sense in reverse.

(Yancey) God deserves trust even when, from our perspective, it looks like the world is caving in

(Paul Tournier)  Where there is no longer any opportunity for doubt there is no longer any opportunity for faith either

(Yancey) When God seems  most absent, He may be closest of all

(Yancey)  God's miracle of transforming  a dark, silent Friday into Easter Sunday will someday be enlarged to cosmic scale

(Anon)  These hath God married and no man shall part;
              Dust on the Bible and drought in the heart

(Rogers) The Bible is the  timeless,truthful, treasured, and transcendent book

(Rogers) Pray over, ponder,preserve, practice and proclaim the Word ofGod

(Joe Stowell) God doesn't usually show us where He's taking us;He just asks us to trust Him

(Joe Stowell, commenting on James 1:2-4) Our trials are there to make us better, not bitter

(Yancey) Through faith, the unseen world increasingly takes shape as the real world and sets the course for how we live in the seen world

(Yancey) The alternative to disappointment with God seems to be disappointment without God

(Rogers) God loves us just the way we are, but, He loves us to much to leave us that way

(Yancey )  Power can do  anything but the most important thing: it cannot control love 

( Yancey)   God's  " apparent " slowness to act is a sign of mercy, not weakness

(Yancey)  Does any human emotion run as deep as hope?

(Yancey)  With remarkable consistency, the Bible accounts show that miracles simply do not foster deep faith

(Yancey) Jesus life ended in the greatest unfairness of history: the best man who ever lived suffering the worst of punishments

(Yancey) Of all species, human beings alone have the freedom to rebel against God

(Swindoll ) The favorite past time in many churches is brother bashing and sister smashing

(Yancey) The more I study the Bible, the less I long for the " good old days "

(Yancey) In the Christian view, all of history takes place between the first part of Genesis and the last part of Revelation

(Yancey) In any discussion of disappointment with God, Heaven is the last  and the most important word of all

( C S Lewis ) All the beauty and joy we meet on earth represents  only the scent of a flower we have not found, the echo of a tune we have not heard and news from a country we have not yet visited

(Yancey) The Bible nevers belittles human disappointment, but it does add one key word:temporary. What we feel now, we will not always feel

(Yancey) Faith is , in the end, a kind of homesickness - for a home we have never visited but never once stopped longing for

(Yancey) At conversion, we receive eyes of faith that open up belief in the unseen world

(Swindoll) Our Christian lives could be divided into three stages- preparation,perseverance, and promise

(The Message paraphrase of 1 Cor  10:29)  " I'm not going to walk around on eggshells worrying about what small-minded people might say."

1 Cor 10:13: The Living Bible- no temptation is irrestible
                      J B Phillips- it will never be impossible for you to bear it

 J B Phillips translation of 1 Cor 10:12: " Let the man who feels sure of his standing today be careful that he does not fall tomorrow "

( Ray Stedman on responsible use of Christian liberty )  " The law of love says,I may be free to do it, but if I am putting a stumbling block in somebody else's path, I won't do it. I set aside my rights in order to avoid offending the person whose conscience is more legalistic or fragile "

(Charles Stanley)  God wants us to  move from merely debating whether something is wrong or  right, and instead choose actions that build up the faith of others

(Oswald Chambers)  Unguarded strength is double weakness

(Swindoll) Lust is no respector of persons

(Swindoll) Don't let your testimony become a  braggamony

(Swindoll) Self-deceit is the greatest deception of all. A self-deceived person is their own worst enemy

(Swindoll) If you're looking for infallibility, look no further than God's Word

(Anon) The Father planned and prepared our salvation
            The Son purchased and provided our salvation
            The Holy Spirit preserves and protects our salvation

(The  Living Bible paraphrase of Eph 3:20) God is able to do far more that we would ever dare to ask or dream of-infinitely beyond our highest prayers, desires, thoughts, or hopes

(Stanley) The might of God that created the universe and raised Jesus from the dead is available to us at every moment

(Stanley) God's power is as close as the Spirit within us

(Rogers)  God has  an unfolding purpose for us, has provided us with an unfading  provision,  His unrivaled presence,  and unlimited opportunites.
We should respond with  our unceasing praise

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