Friday, March 11, 2011

31111 postings

(Swindoll) a lot of things we get hot and bothered about in this lifetime won't even show up in eternity

( Wiersbe) appetites determine actions
                 delights determine direction
                 the root determines the fruit

(Wiersbe) the most important part of our lives is that which only God sees

(Wiersbe) All too often we are more concerned about our reputation than our character. The one thing you'll take to Heaven is your character

(Wiersbe) Holiness is to the soul what health is to the body

(Wiersbe) There is no such thing as secular and spiritual. It's all spiritual

(Wiersbe)  Love is the circulatory system of the church

(Swindoll) Knowledge, rather than being the enemy of the Faith, is one of its strongest allies

(Swindoll) Ask yourself each morning: who needs my help today? My understanding?My encouragement? My acceptance? My affirmation? My listening and caring ear?

(Frank Colby) Every person ought to be inquisitive through every waking hour of each day of life's great adventure down to the day they shall no longer cast a shadow in the sun

(Swindoll) There's a name for people who don't listen to warnings-victim!

(Psychiatrists Drs. Minirth and Meier) If an individual changes all their can'ts  to won'ts ,  they stop avoiding the truth, quit deceiving themselves, and start living in reality

(A.Rogers) Even if you could gain the whole world you couldn't keep it; and even if you could keep it. I guarantee it wouldn't last; and even if it did last, I can guarantee you it wouldn't satisfy

(H L Menchen ) There's always an easy solution to every human problem-neat,plausible, and wrong

(Swindoll) Life for the growing Christian can be seen in three stages: preparation,perseverance, and promise

(Swindoll) If necessity is the mother of invention, persistence is certainly the father.

(Swindoll)  God honors persistance, maybe becuase He models it so well

(Swindoll) Some people are about as motivated as a grizzly bear in the middle of January

(Swindoll) Satan relentlessly whispers:" You're through,finished,burned out,used up. You've been replaced,forgotten. It's a lie!

(Dave Branon) Heaven's delights will far outweigh earth's difficulties

(Swindoll) Did you hear about the cross-eyed  discus thrower? He didn't set any records but he sure kept the crowd awake!

(Swindoll) When you get right down to it, the greatest difference between one person and another lies largely in their use or misuse of their time

(Swindoll) At death, time vanishes and eternity takes its place

(Swindoll, Except for God, the heart alone knows its own sorrow and not another person can fully share it

(Swindoll) I have tried and I cannot find, either in Scripture or in history, a strong-willed individual whom God used greatly until He allowed him to be hurt deeply

(J C Penney) Geniuses  themselves don't talk about the fift of genius;they just talk about hard work and long hours

(Swindoll) The Cross was God's incredible response to our extreme delimma. Christ did something radical

(Swindoll) Some perple are so indecisive their favorite color is plaid

(A. Rogers)  once defined a fanatic as a person whose lost his direction but doubled his speed

(Andrew Carnegie) Millionaires who laugh are rare

( David Jeremiah) God is not obligated to be on our time schedule

(The Message paraphrase of Eph2:8-9) Saving is all His idea and all His work. All we have to do is trust Him enough to let Him do it.

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