Thursday, March 31, 2011


(A.Rogers) There is no greater tragedy that trading your soul for the toys of this world

(James Robison) Wisdom results when knowledge is matched with understanding

(James Robison) Isn't it amazing how free the media are to interpret everything they see, rather than simply report the facts? Journalism used to see its role as farirly and accurately presenting both sides of a story and letting the public decide which one made sense.Now, too much journalism presents us with a conclusion and demands that we accept it  or be labeled...........

(G K Chesterton) We do not need to enact  good laws to restrain bad people. We need to get good people to restrain bad laws.

(James Robison) History has proven all too often that democracy is particularly susceptible to the urges and impulses of : " mobocracy "

(Robison) Unfortunately, in a " value-free " society, minds have been dulled by the smothering conformity of popular culture. Wisdom has been marginalized in our society because it is deemed to be dangerous ( after all, it involves value judgments). Because wisdom is not ethically neutral, it flies in the face of the postmodern worldview

(Robison) Understanding applies knowledge, puts it in context, and makes it relevant.

Over the gates of hell could be inscribed, " I did it my way"

(Robison) A subtle form of censorship is selective reporting that silences or whittles down counter-arguments to innocous and ineffective soundbites

(Robison) Truth is like a lion: If you turn it loose, it will defend itself

(Robison) What if, instead of protecting partisan positions, we made the pursuit of truth the #1 objective in public discourse? Jesus said the we would know the truth and the truth would make us free- but that only works if you want to be set free. There is no greater bondage than refusing to acknowledge the truth

(Robison) In recent years, it seems the focus has shifted from evaluating the merits of a person's position to labeling people in an effort to discredit what they say. We must vigorously resist the trend in our society toward labeling and name-calling,. Instead of being " iron that sharpens iron", we have lost our cutting edge by our failure to focus on the common good during times of disagreement

(Robison) Apart  from truth, a civil society cannot long survive.Truth confronts our preferences and prejudices. Truth is often most offensive when it clashes with tradition

(Thomas Paine) Such is the irresistible  nature of truth that all it wishes, and all it needs, is the liberty of appearing

(Robison) Truth can stand the debate test. Poke it. Probe it. Explore it. Turn it inside out. Put it under the microscope. Expose it to the harshest conditions. Truth will endure. We never have to apologize for the truth. It is able to withstand every charge. It is able to bear up under any challenge.. The Truth has an undeniable radiance and resonance. It stands up and out.

( A Rogers)  Communicate or disintegrate

(Rogers) The Bible is a wonderful sword but a poor club

(Rogers) provided the following outline in a message on communications:
the power of;the problem of;the procedure for; the promise of

(Rogers) There are no problems too big to solve, only people to small to solve them

(Rogers) Are you trying to win the argement or solve the problem?

(Rogers) When you get on the airplane of marriage,don't take the parachute of divorce

(T. Roosevelt) Never will I sit motionless while, directly or indirectly , apology is made for the murder of the helpless. Murder is not debatable

(Robison) Every life is worth affirming, enabling, and protecting. There are no expendable or disposable people. Tragically, our legacy of staunchly defending life and liberty around the world stands in stark contrast to the carnage we have allowed within our own borders. Every year in America more than one million of the most innocent and helpless lives are terminated by abortion. I'm not saying a woman doesn't have a right to control her own body, but it is not her body we are talking about. Any pregnancy involves two  precious and valuable lives, and we must consider both of them. Don't tell me its just a fetus. He or she is an innocent,preborn child

(Thomas Jefferson) The chief purpose of government is to protect life. Abandon that and you have abandoned all

( Robert K Spradling) Too many pastors preach out of other men's heads instead of their own

( C. Stanley) The Christian life is not a nonstop parade of miracles and astonishing answers to prayer and extraordinary visions and  angelic visitations. Much of it is low-key, tame, and ordinary. Yet a godly life will always be celebrated in heaven

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